Truck accidents often become more complicated than standard Boston car accidents not only because of a commercial vehicle’s size, but also because truck accidents usually involve more parties who could bear responsibility for the victim’s financial, psychological and physical suffering. Companies and individuals connected to the truck, load and trailer could all play a part …
Are Truck Drivers Liable for Accidents?
An accident involving a large truck often leads to devastating personal injuries for the occupants of passenger vehicles. A commercial motor vehicle’s weight, size, and speed give it lethal potential when a driver fails to operate according to safety regulations. When driving on a roadway near a semi-truck, your life should not be at risk. …
What Should I Do at the Scene of a Truck Accident?
Every year, thousands of truck accidents occur across America. In 2019, of these thousands of accidents, 4,119 resulted in fatalities. Most of those killed were occupants of passenger vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists. When you consider that commercial trucks weigh anywhere from 20 to 30 times that of a regular passenger vehicle, the danger of …
What Should I Do in the Days Following a Truck Accident?
As with any accident, you cannot afford to waste time in the aftermath of a truck collision. Adrenaline coursing through your system and the fact you were in an accident with a massive vehicle could make it difficult to get your bearings and know what to do first. Having access to a handy guide and …
What To Do After a Truck Accident
Thousands of accidents involving trucks happen every year in the US, and most of them severely injure or kill passenger vehicle occupants. These injuries are often overwhelming, and survivors face many obstacles on their road to recovery. Some of those obstacles are financial. Boston truck accident victims often can’t work for an extended period after …
When Should You Get a Lawyer for a Truck Accident?
Recently, you got into an accident with a semi-truck. You sustained injuries and lost use of your car, but all signs point to the truck driver being the at-fault party in this situation. Perhaps you already filed an insurance claim with your provider or the driver’s provider. Maybe you do not know what steps to …