A slip and fall accident can happen at any time and anywhere, but when it happens at a CVS or other business, they may be liable for your injuries. The law requires that stores and retail shops are regularly maintained to provide a safe environment for the public. If you or a loved one experienced a slip and fall accident at a CVS store, caused by an hazardous condition, you may qualify for financial compensation. Jason Stone Injury Lawyers is a law firm with experience in slip and fall accidents due to negligence. To discuss your case and discover if seeking compensation is in your best interest, contact our Boston personal injury lawyer to take advantage of our free, “There’s No Obligation, Just Information ® consultation.
Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents
Business owners have a legal responsibility to provide a safe environment for customers, not just inside their store, but in the parking lot and sidewalks as well. Regular maintenance inspections and timely repairs should be standard operating procedures at retail stores. If a hazard exists that causes injury to a customer, the business is liable for the injury. Claiming that they didn’t know about the hazard does not excuse or eliminate their liability. If an owner or manager should have known. But failed to complete a regular safety inspection, they are responsible for the injury.
Failure to maintain a safe premises is considered negligence by the business owner. In some instances, fixing a problem immediately is not possible, in those cases, placing signage, orange cones, or warning customers in somehow alerting people of the danger is required. Examples include, a sign warning of a freshly mopped floor, a barricaded area around a pot hole or cracked sidewalk etc.
Common causes of slip and fall accidents in retail stores like CVS and others include:
- Accumulated ice or snow on sidewalks and parking lots
- Water tracked in by customers that isn’t addressed
- Spilled drinks, food, or other liquids
- Poor lighting
- Uneven flooring
- Entry or exit mats that are curled up and uneven
- Inventory stacked in aisleways
- Boxes, garbage and debris left where clients walk
Jason Stone Injury Lawyers can investigate the specific details of your case and determine if a business is responsible for your injuries. The more information you have, the better prepared you will be to pursue compensation.
Determining Fault in A CVS Slip and Fall Accident
Retail businesses owe a high duty of care to their customers, due to the fact that the public has been invited to the property. In order to prove that a business is at fault for your injuries, you must be able to prove that:
- The owner knew or should have known a hazardous condition existed on their property.
- Reasonable care was not made by the business owner to make the area safe, or customers were not warned of a dangerous condition.
- A customer would have no reasonable reason to assume a situation was dangerous.
A thorough investigation by a personal injury attorney includes collecting evidence to prove the business owner was negligent in your case. Types of evidence collected may include:
- Surveillance videos from the location
- Photographs
- Eye-witness testimony
- Business accident reports
- Documents proving safety violations
- Police reports
Evidence to prove negligence is a critical piece of your slip and fall injury case. Without this evidence, chances of receiving a settlement are slim. Jason Stone Injury Lawyers is a personal injury law firm with experience in proving negligence in slip and fall injury cases. Call Jason Stone Injury Lawyers today, where “There’s No Obligation, Just Information ®” (800) 577-5188
Evidence of Losses From a Slip and Fall Accident
In addition to proving negligence, you must also have evidence that justifies the amount of financial compensation you are seeking. In order to do this, your lawyer will gather:
- Medical records and medical bills
- Pay stubs and employment records documenting lost wages
- Medical reports and diagnoses from doctors, physical therapists, psychologists and anyone else involved in your care
Armed with clear evidence documenting the full extent of your losses due to your slip and fall accident, your attorney will have the proof necessary to negotiate with the insurance company for a fair settlement.
Compensation For Slip and Fall Injuries
No two slip and fall cases are alike. The amount of money you are eligible for depends on the details of your specific case and situation. The extent of your injuries and how severely they have affected your life are a huge factor in your settlement amount. Your attorney can help you sort through the damages and perhaps find losses that you overlooked or didn’t think were important. Common damages from a slip and fall accident include:
- Emergency Room fees
- Ambulance transportation expenses
- Hospital admissions
- Surgery expenses
- Prescription and over the counter medications
- Physical therapy and rehabilitation costs
- Anticipated future medical needs
- Lost income
- Anticipated future lost income
In come cases, you may be able to receive compensation for:
- Pain and suffering
- Disfigurement
- Mental anguish
- Loss of enjoyment of life
In the tragic case where a slip and fall accident causes the death of a loved one, additional wrongful death damages would be sought.
Slip and Fall Law Firm, Jason Stone Injury Lawyers
When you’ve been injured in a slip and fall accident due the negligence of a business owner, the effects extend beyond the physical pain. The financial burden placed on you, due to no fault of your own, can be crushing. At Jason Stone Injury Lawyers we are dedicated to easing your burden as much as possible. Our Stone Cold Guarantee ® ensures that we only get paid after you get paid. Further, our “There’s No Obligation, Just Information ® free consultation allows you to get answers to your questions in a compassionate, risk-free environment. Contact Jason Stone Injury Lawyers for help today. Call (800) 577-5188.
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