After a crash, you might require medical attention. If there’s even a chance you’ve been injured, it’s important to see a doctor as soon as possible. But does it matter which healthcare facility you visit after a crash?
That depends on the severity of your injury. Here’s what you need to know.
Where to Go When You’ve Suffered Severe Injuries in a Crash
If you were seriously injured after a crash, an ambulance can be called to the scene of the accident. You will likely be taken to either the closest emergency department or the emergency department that the ambulance is directed to.
In these instances, the biggest priority is getting emergency medical care. If you’re given a choice by the emergency responders, pick the facility you feel most comfortable with.
Don’t worry about whether your insurance will cover your medical bills; if your symptoms necessitate emergency care, the Affordable Care Act requires insurers to cover that treatment. Hospitals are also legally required to provide medical care in emergencies even if the patient does not have any health insurance.
If a friend or family member is taking you to the emergency department, the same rules apply, though you’ll obviously have a say in where they transport you. Choose the facility that is closest to you or the facility you feel will provide the best care.
Where to Go When Your Injuries Don’t Require Emergency Care
Many injuries people suffer in car accidents are serious and require treatment, even if they aren’t emergencies that require immediate treatment. In these situations, make sure the healthcare provider is in-network with your insurance company to maximize the benefits available to you. The best way to do that is to call your insurance company and ask them whether that healthcare provider is in your network. You may also be able to find a list of local healthcare providers within your network on your insurance company’s website.
No Matter What, Don’t Forgo Needed Medical Care
If you are in pain after a car accident, never assume your injuries will get better on their own. Neglecting to get medical treatment after a crash is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. Car accident injuries can be debilitating and long-lasting, and may only be obvious when they worsen. By failing to seek medical care, you could be putting yourself at risk for serious medical conditions.
After a crash, people often experience an increase in adrenaline, which can mask the symptoms of serious injuries. You might not notice a health complication until hours or days after your accident, which is why you should see a doctor even if you think an injury is minor or if you’re unsure whether you’ve suffered an injury.
Seeking medical treatment after a crash also serves another important purpose. If the accident was another driver’s fault, then you could be owed significant compensation by that driver’s insurance company.
When you forgo treatment, you’re unwittingly giving the insurance company evidence that your injuries aren’t serious, which can reduce the amount of compensation you receive. And the longer you wait between your accident and getting diagnosed by a doctor, the more ammunition the insurance company has to claim you were hurt some other way in the time after the crash.
Don’t take chances with your health or your right to file an injury claim. Always seek medical treatment after a crash. Tell the doctor about the crash and relay all the symptoms you’re experiencing. And always follow the doctor’s orders.
If You Need Legal Help Getting Compensation, You Better Phone Stone
The Boston car accident attorneys at Jason Stone Injury Lawyers can help you better understand what you should and shouldn’t do after a car accident. If you’ve been injured by a negligent driver, we’ll fight to help you get the maximum compensation you deserve.
Contact Jason Stone Injury Lawyers today for a free consultation.
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